The one I revisit often.
Maybe even yearly.
The one where I look at my life and wonder what the eff I am doing. How can I be happier? What job will I like and feel more productive in more than the one I have? Maybe I should think about redecorating. Lets go pick out new paint. How about hitting some estate sales for new SOMETHING.
I'm not depressed, I am not sad, I am not unhappy with my life. I just get to thinking about how short life is and why would I want to be/do/look the same for so long?
We got a call about a new kiddo that needs two mamas. Okay. They didn't go as far as saying THAT, but I could read it between the lines. We said yes. That was two weeks ago. We haven't heard anything since.
If there is one thing that this system is... it IS a mind fuck.
Now I have to go look at new hairstyles and send out my resume.