I swear this girl is on the cusp of being a teenager. Okayfine. She is only one. But MAN I have a feeling we are going to have our hands full with her.
Aren't kids all supposed to be like the kids on Family Ties? All polite and kind and don't have snot running down their faces all the time or throwing herself into a tantrum every time she gets her diaper changed or vomit in the cart at Costco- which we don't realize until everything was on the belt and the cashier put her hand in it? I could tell by her face she thought it was glorious.
Yes. Bean turned 1. We had a nice get together with people coming from near and far. The sun was out in Wisconsin and it was a perfect 70 degree day. Bean dug in that cake like we had been training for it- she rocked it ouuuut!
We have had a couple of court hearings since my last blog entry. I am not even going to go into detail about them as it would simply be details with no outcome. They were pretty much a waste of time. So, we simply move forward day by day loving this little girl as much as possible.
Chapter 23423... we are trying to figure out a way that Traci could go down to part time and we would open our home to more of a fostering situation than foster/adopt.
More on that to come.
I have to punch out and get home to my beautiful family :)
We need to talk. Seriously, when did this happen?