Monday, June 30, 2014

It has been a long time, hasn't it?

I wonder what I could write about? Our adoption of our son, my wife becoming a stay-at-home mom, our life taking yet another turn when we brought a newborn into our family, a job promotion...there is so much. 

It can be mostly summed up into a few words: I love my life.

There are many times when it is crazy, loud, confusing, tearful, frustrating... but the joy always sticks in my memory stronger than any of the ick.  Life can be messy sometimes... that is just a fact.  It is our choice to dwell on the mess or to brush off and choose to look for and be present for the happy. 

Lets skip to this week.  My bride has taken our son and our little Bean up north.  For a whole week.  I am here with the baby. She is sleeping. She is always sleeping. Maybe I should wake her up.

I have decided I am going to clean this house. 

How in the world do other parents do it? Toddlers are just so gross. They are dirty, they stink and I can imagine how much unknown crud they have eaten off the floor.  They are pretty darn lucky they have their funny moments or I would ship them off to Aunties for a majority of their life. Until they turn less sticky.

So far I have cleaned by watching a dvr'd show I had sitting there, ordering some stuff off of Amazon and now writing in my blog that hasn't gotten any attention for many months. 

I say it has been successful :)

Tomorrow we have court for our Bean.  We find out if possible dad number 6 is actually the dad.  I keep thinking... stranger things have happened.  She has been with us over 2 years.  Biomom's rights have been terminated... now we find out about this possible dad.  If he isn't the baby daddy, the we get an adoption date for our sweet girl. 

I am thinking good thoughts.  I am totally going to Oprah this out. Yanno- the Secret.  Think positive, invite positive.  Guess what I am thinking about now? Winning the lotto.



  1. Welcome back. I have been wondering how you and your family are doing over the months and it appears to be wonderfully well!! Congrats on your full house!!

  2. I've missed your posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hello!

    I have a quick question for you, could you email me when you have a chance? Thanks! –Heather

