One more thing to check off the list... a job in Appleton. I am so beyond about this. B E Y O N D.
Part time at the funeral home. The job is spectacular. The owner of the funeral home is SO STINKING NICE. I can't even explain how excited I am to become part of the team there.
I tried to tell Traci about it-- but kids stirred up the words coming from my mouth to her ears. She didn't quite get the excitement. That is okay. Then I tried calling my mom to tell her, but it sounded like she just finished the last drop of the bottle. So. Well. That didn't get the response I was hoping for. The most important thing is that I did it. I got the job. They chose ME. Also- this means that I will still be able to contribute financially to the family, become more involved with our kids day-to-day and best of all.. re-align myself, goals, priorities, etc.
Another check mark. The list of things to do is long between packing and organizing and EVERYTHING that needs to be done at the new place.
Yanno what, though?
I could care less if we were moving into circa 1963 untouched time capsule. Orange shag carpeting and wallpaper on the ceilings. It would mean that The Wards are putting their faith first and family an immediate 2nd.. and doing exactly what is best for us.
I was excited for you! AM excited for you! What did Traci hear?